@article{oai:opcnr.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000112, author = {前田, 和子 and Maeda, Kazuko and 山城, 五月 and Yamashiro, Satsuki and 下中, 壽美 and Shimonaka, Hisami and 上田, 礼子 and Ueda, Reiko and 原, 健太郎 and Hara, Kentaro and 宮澤, 純子 and Miyazawa, Junko}, issue = {8}, journal = {沖縄県立看護大学紀要, Journal of Okinawa Prefectural College of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {[背景]児童虐待は早急に解決すべき社会的健康問題となっており、その防止活動に病院の周産期病棟等で働く看護師や助産師も大いに期待されているが、十分に機能しているとは言い難い現状にある。\n[目的]本研究の目的は沖縄県の周産期病棟・NICU看護師・助産師を対象に、児童虐待の経験と認識を検討することにより、彼らに必要なコンピテンシーを特定し、看護教育に資することである。【対象と方法】対象は沖縄県2病院の周産期病棟・NICUで働く看護師・助産師113名である。方法は留置法による自記式質間紙法である。分析は記述統計及び質的内容分析法である。\n[結果]回収率は93%、有効回答数は104名であった。看護基礎教育での児童虐待受講者4割、児童虐待に関心の高い者6割であった。児童虐待リスク妊産褥婦に遭遇した者は4割であり、その判断の根拠は、母親の子どもへの態度、社会経済的状態、母親の心理状態、虐待に関する経験等8カテゴリーであった。児童虐待への関心度と助産師免許及び手引きAの周知との間、及び助産師免許とリスク妊産褥婦との接触間に相関があった。彼らに必要なコンピテンシーは、コミュニケーション、アセスメント、連携・調整等のスキルであり、その他、知識、及び人間性・平等性・信頼性などの態度が特定された。\n[結論]児童虐待に関する基礎教育では関心を高めることを目標とし、発見と看護支援の実践力は継続教育で実施する必要性とその内容が示唆された。|[Background]Child abuse have become a major social health problem that should be resolved effectively in Okinawa. Though nurses are expected to have their roles preventive activities for child abuse in various settings, they seemed not to be prepared for effective functioning against child abuse cases in hospitals. \n[Purpose]The aim of this study was to identify their competencies needed by maternal nurses, nurse midwives and NICU nurses in working for pregnant, puerperal women and their infants. \n[Method]Subjects were 113 nurses and nurse midwives working in NICU and maternity units in 2 hospitals in Okinawa. They were asked to complete the questionnaires. \n[Results]104 nurses or nurse midwives completed the questionnaires. Approximately 40% of them learned about child abuse in basic program of nursing schools, junior colleges and/or colleges for nurses' certification and 60% of them interested in nursing of child abuse. Forty percent of them encountered pregnant and puerperal women at risk of child abuse. The 8 categories of nurses' assessment were factors related with maternal attitudes towards their child, their social-economical state, maternal psychological state and child-abuse history et. Relationship between degree of interest towards child abuse and midwifery as well as knowing guide book A was found. Also there 'was relationship between midwifery and experience with pregnant/ puerperal women. Their competencies working in their units were identified such as communication, assessment, skills of co-operation/coordination, knowledge and attitudes of humanity, equality and reliability.\n[Conclusion]In basic education for child abuse, having interest should be stressed, while identification and necessity of nursing intervention of practice and contents of continuous education were suggested.}, pages = {39--47}, title = {児童虐待に関わる周産期病棟・NICU看護職者に求められるコンピテンシー -沖縄県看護職者の経験と認識-}, year = {2007}, yomi = {マエダ, カズコ and ヤマシロ, サツキ and シモナカ, ヒサミ and ウエダ, レイコ and ハラ, ケンタロウ and ミヤザワ, ジュンコ} }