@article{oai:opcnr.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000117, author = {玉城, 清子 and Tamashiro, Kiyoko and 賀数, いづみ and Kakazu, Izumi and 井上, 松代 and Inoue, Matsuyo and 西平, 朋子 and Nishihira, Tomoko and 下中, 壽美 and Shimonaka, Hisami and 前田, 和子 and Maeda, Kazuko}, issue = {9}, journal = {沖縄県立看護大学紀要, Journal of Okinawa Prefectural College of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {法的に助産師は正常な妊産褥婦及び新生児に対し自己の責任範囲で診断とケアができる。しかし看護教育の大学化に伴い、助産師教育機関も大部分が大学の統合カリキュラムで行われ、科目および実習の単位数が少ない現状にある。少ない時間数で学習効果を上げるためには教育方法の改善が必要である。「助産診断・技術学1」は妊産褥婦および新生児の健康状態を診断し、それにもとづく援助方法を学習する助産師コースの重要な科目である。今回、我々は助産師の教育改善を図る目的で「助産診断・技術学1」にOSCE(Objective Structured Clinical Examination 客観的臨床能力試験)を取り入れた授業を行った。学生からは、臨場感あるOSCEの課題に取り組んだことが、臨床実習で役立ったとのコメントが得られた。OSCEの助産師教育への導入は、効果的な教育方向の1つであることが示唆された。|Midwives are allowed to diagnose and treat normal pregnant women, women giving birth, post partum women and newborns. Nursing education is being increasingly offered at the college or university level. The majority of midwifery education has been offered in nursing college as part of an integrated program. Because of the minimum credits in midwifery education, we have to improve educational methods regarding midwifery education. “Diagnosis and Practice of Midwifery 1” is an important subject in the midwifery program at our school. Students learn how to diagnose and care for maternity women and infants from that subject. We have introduced OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) into “Diagnosis and Practice Midwifery 1”. Since problems on OSCE are undertaken in a clinical setting, midwifery students evaluated OSCE as useful for clinical practice. OSCE may be useful to improve midwifery education.}, pages = {21--27}, title = {助産技術教育へOSCE(客観的臨床能力試験)の導入}, year = {2008}, yomi = {タマシロ, キヨコ and カカズ, イヅミ and イノウエ, マツヨ and ニシヒラ, トモコ and シモナカ, ヒサミ and マエダ, カズコ} }