@article{oai:opcnr.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000142, author = {野田, 千代子 and Noda, Chiyoko and 前田, 和子 and Maeda, Kazuko and 末吉, 政春 and Sueyoshi, Masaharu and 糸洌, 洋一 and Itosu, Yoichi}, issue = {12}, journal = {沖縄県立看護大学紀要, Journal of Okinawa Prefectural College of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {【研究目的】本研究の目的は、子育て支援活動案の評価枠組みを作成し、優先順位を決めること、及びこのプロセスから小規模村で住民参加型会議を成功させるための方略を特定することであった。【方法】乳幼児の養育者8名または子育て支援者21名を参加者とした住民参加型会議を8回実施し、録音した発言内容の逐語録を作成するとともに、会議外での参加者の言動も記録した。これらから、子育て支援活動案を抽出し、筆者らが開発した評価枠組みを用いて評価した。さらに、住民参加型計画策定に有効な方略と思われる記述を抜き出し、カテゴリー化してまとめた。【結果と考察】住民から50の支援活動案が提案され、それらを受容性、実行可能性、持続可能性の観点から筆者らが評価した結果、4タイプに分類でき、優先順位が決定された。また、小規模村に適した住民参加型会議に効果的な5つの方略と25の具体的方法が特定できた。本研究の限界は、会議に養育者の主体的参加が十分に得られなかったこと、及び支援活動案の評価を住民参加型で実施できなかったことである。【結論】本研究を通して、子育て支援活動案の優先順位を決めるための評価枠組みを提示でき、また、小規模村に適した住民参加型会議を成功させるための方略を特定できた。|Objective: The purposes of this research were (i) to develop an evaluation framework and prioritize action plans for child-rearing support using the framework, and (ii) to develop effective resident participatory meeting strategies which can be used in small-scale villages. Method: Eight meetings were held with 8 parents or 21supporters to discuss child- rearing support program. All meetings and open conversations held outside the meetings were tape-recorded and transcribed verbatim. From the transcription data, action plans for child-rearing support were selected and evaluated using the evaluation framework developed by the researchers, and effective meeting strategies for small-scale villages were extracted and categorized. Findings: Fifty action plans were proposed by the residents and evaluated by the researchers according to acceptability, feasibility, and sustainability. Action plans were then categorized into four types and prioritized. Five effective resident participatory meeting strategies for small-scale villages were determined. These strategies consisted of 25 specific activities. Limitations in the present research were; a lack of active involvement of parents in the parent group meetings, and the fact that the priority of action plans were only reviewed by the researchers and not by the residents. Conclusions: We were able to use the findings of this Participatory Action Research to (i) establish a qualitative evaluation framework for deciding priority, and (ii) determine effective resident participatory meeting strategies in small-scale villages.}, pages = {1--12}, title = {小規模村に適した住民参加型子育て支援計画の開発-参加型アクションリサーチ-}, year = {2011}, yomi = {ノダ, チヨコ and マエダ, カズコ and スエヨシ, マサハル and イトス, ヨウイチ} }