@article{oai:opcnr.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000027, author = {嘉手苅, 英子 and Kadekaru, Eiko and 棚原, 節子 and Tanahara, Setsuko and 仲宗根, 洋子 and Nakasone, Yoko and 名城, 一枝 and Nashiro, Kazue and 大田, 貞子 and Ota, Sadako and 金城, 忍 and Kinjo, Shinobu}, issue = {2}, journal = {沖縄県立看護大学紀要, Journal of Okinawa Prefectural College of Nursing}, month = {Feb}, note = {本学2年次を対象に実施した採血技術の授業展開の実際を紹介し、教育方法の特徴と課題について述べた。授業は‘看護技術の立体像を形成し、その像に導かれながら看護者と患者との立場を変換しつつ技術を身につける’という技術教育上の仮説に基づいて展開した。技術修得の学習過程として、1. 「採血」の立体像を描く、2. 立体像に導かれながら練習を繰り返す、3. 仕上がりチェックを受ける、4. 本番チェックを受ける、5. 自己評価する、を設定した。本番チェックでは、患者役の採血を実際に行わせた。その結果は、77名中「文句なしの合格」が7名、「助言なしに実施できた」が26名、「助言を得ながら実施できた」が41名、「助言や手助けを得てかろうじて実施できた」が3名であった。ほとんどの学生が助言のみで対応できており、自己の頭脳に描かれた立体像に導かれながら行動していたことが推測された。さらに学生は、採血の実体験を通して、看護技術の本質を実感を伴って学んでいた。本番チェックに先だって行われた仕上がりチェックでは、1回で合格した学生は27名で、残りの50名は2~3回目に合格していたことから、仕上がりチェック以前の学習を効果的に進めることが課題として残された。, In this study, we present teaching method of collecting blood specimen introduced in the nursing practicum class which takes place for sophomores and describe the distinctive aspect of the method and it's objectives. The class was based on the hypothesis regarding nursing practicum education. Students acquire skill by making nursing image, then, practicing both roles of nurse and patient by turns. The learning processes of the collecting blood specimen skill are as follows. 1. To image the collecting blood specimen skill. 2. To repeat practice the skill with imaging of the collecting blood specimen. 3. To take the examination by using teaching material model. 4. To take the blood specimen from a student who plays a patient role. 5. To do self-evaluation about ones skill level. As for the result of drawing blood from simulated patient, seven out of seventy seven students passed as "perfect", twenty six students were able to draw blood without any advice from examiner, forty one students were able to draw blood with some advice, and three students could barely draw blood with advice and help. The advice is related to safety and consideration for patient's anxiety. It can be said that the students draw blood based on their own nursing image of the collecting blood specimen because most students were able to do by only verbal advice. Furthermore, the students learned the essence of nursing skill with feeling through the experience of collecting blood specimen. We thought that the learning process before taking the examination by using teaching material model should be able to be made more effective because there were fifty out of seventy seven students who passed the examination in two or three trials.}, pages = {67--75}, title = {看護技術の立体像に導かれた採血技術の修得を促す教育方法}, year = {2001}, yomi = {カデカル, エイコ and タナハラ, セツコ and ナカソネ, ヨウコ and ナシロ, カズエ and オオタ, サダコ and キンジョウ, シノブ} }