@article{oai:opcnr.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000344, author = {上原, 和代 and Uehara, Kazuyo and 川﨑, 佳代子 and 臼井, 敦美 and Usui, Atsumi and Kawasaki, Michiko}, issue = {1}, journal = {日本母乳哺育学会雑誌, The journal of the Japanese Society for Breastfeeding Research}, month = {}, note = {授乳期にある就労女性の職場環境の現状調査から就労と母乳育児の両立の可能性を探ることを目的に自記式質問紙怯にて調査を行った。対象はO市の乳幼児健診とO市内の12保育所を利用する母親とした。265名から回答を得、うち就労経験のある母親189名を分析対象とした。結果、「育児中の女性同僚が多い」ほど有意に「産休がとりやすく」「妊娠中・復職時の配慮があり」「育児時間がとりやすい」ことがわかった。一方、対象の8割以上が仕事が忙しいと回答し、その場合は有意に育児時間が利用されていなかった。また対象の3割弱が育児時間制度を知らなかった。復職後の職場で利用できる母乳育児環境について、66%の母親が「何もない」と答えた。育休期間が1年以上の母親では1年未満に比べ有意に母乳栄養が多かった。女性に有利な制度が周知され、女性が職場での母乳育児環境を事前に整えられるよう、専門職は妊娠期から女性や企業へ意図的に関わる必要がある。|To explore the feasibility of working mothers balancing work and breast-feeding in the nursing period, a questionnaire survey on the current status of their workplace was conducted. Questionnaires targeted mothers receiving health checkups for their infants from O City, and using 12 child-care centers. Responses were collected from 265 mothers, and those from 189 with work experience were analyzed. As a result, it was found that the more they "had child-raising female coworkers", the more the situation was: "easy to take maternity leave", "effectively arranged during pregnancy for their future return to work", and "easy to obtain nursing time", showing significance. However, more than 80% of those analyzed admitted that they were too busy with work to secure significant nursing time. Furthermore, nearly 30% of those analyzed did not know about the nursing time system. Regarding breast-feeding environments available in the workplace after their return, 66% stated that there were no such environments. As for feeding, significantly more mothers breast-fed when they took leave for at least one year compared to those who returned earlier. For women to become familiar with the system beneficial to them, and prepare themselves in advance for breast-feeding in the workplace, relevant professionals must start to contact women directly as well as their companies as early as possible during their pregnancy.}, pages = {17--26}, title = {O市内に在住する働く母親の母乳育児環境}, volume = {3}, year = {2009}, yomi = {ウエハラ, カズヨ and カワサキ, カヨコ and ウスイ, アツミ} }