@article{oai:opcnr.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000345, author = {稲葉, めぐみ and Inaba, Megumi and 佐竹, 美智子 and Satake, Michiko and 中村, 洋一 and Nakamura, Yoichi and 窪田, 宜夫 and Kubota, Nobuo and 前田, 和子 and Maeda, Kazuko and 阿部, 帥 and Abe, Tsukasa}, issue = {5}, journal = {医学教育, Medical education}, month = {Oct}, note = {茨城県立医療大学では, 教育の一元的な管理運営システムを構築し, 教育の質的向上を目指している. 新システムは学務委員会とその実務組織として新設された教育推進室でなり, 教育情報の一元的管理を開始すると共に, 自己学習の啓発のために抜本的に改正された新カリキュラムではコース制を導入した. 並行して, 全学ファカルティ・デベロップメント (FD) 研修会を軸とした多角的な教員の資質開発にも取り組んでいる. これらの結果, 教育内容の透明化, 明確化が進み, 学生の満足度の向上が認められた. 一元的な教育の管理運営システムは, 医療教育の質的改善に有効な方策の1つである.|The Ibaraki Prefectural University of Health Sciences has introduced an integrated education management system to improve the quality of education. The management system was implemented by the Academic Affairs Committee and is run by the newly-created Kyouiku Suishin Shitsu (Educational Development Services) . The management system evaluated past curricula and coordinated the introduction of new courses and integrated curricula designed to stimulate selflearning by students. The management system also integrated the student evaluation system and simultaneously coordinated faculty development workshops for all university staff to improve teaching skills. Several questionnaires showed that the new curricula met students' learning needs and provided a more objective evaluation system. The integrated education management system functions as a positive component in the improvement of the education system for students of allied health professions.}, pages = {315--322}, title = {一元的な教育の管理運営システムによる教育改革の推進}, volume = {34}, year = {2003}, yomi = {イナバ, メグミ and サタケ, ミチコ and ナカムラ, ヨウイチ and クボタ, ノブオ and マエダ, カズコ and アベ, ツカサ} }