@article{oai:opcnr.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000066, author = {加藤, 尚美 and Katou, Naomi and 玉城, 清子 and Tamashiro, Kiyoko and 賀数, いづみ and Kakazu, Izumi and 井上, 松代 and Inoue, Matsuyo and 西平, 朋子 and Nishihira, Tomoko}, issue = {4}, journal = {沖縄県立看護大学紀要, Journal of Okinawa Prefectural College of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究の目的は助産婦資格取得後の継続教育のニーズに関する調査を行い、これからの助産婦の卒後教育に寄与するものである。調査は全国助産婦教育協議会加盟校96校の教員(288人)及び助産婦の臨床実習を受け入れている指導者(960人)を対象に郵送により自己記入式質問紙を配布・回収した。回収率は教員72.6%(209人)実習指導助産婦65.5%(629人)である。調査内容は、1)日本の助産婦が持つべき実践能力と責任範囲を参考に卒後教育に必要と思われる46項目の教育について 2)研修会や学会への参加状況、3)教育の必要性に関する意識や意見を求めた。結果、助産婦のほぼ全員が卒後教育の必要性を認めていた。しかし、学会や研修への参加等については64%に止まっていた。また、卒後教育の内容へのニーズは「超音波断層診断法」「生殖医療」「遺伝と遺伝性疾患」等現在の助産婦教育との関連であり、卒後教育で補う必要があろう。諸外国においては看護職の免許更新制があるが、これらはすべて卒後教育が義務化されている。従って調査からも研修ニーズがあり、質の維持向上には卒後の研修は短期・長期的に計画が必要であることと同時に助産婦教育のあり方についても示唆された。 Objective: To assess the needs and thought on continuous education for midwife. Design and Setting: The survey was conducted towards midwifery faculties in 96 midwifery institutions and midwives in midwifery teaching hospitals in Japan. Participants: Three midwifery faculties in each 96 midwifery schools and 10 midwives, who have at least 3 years of career in each midwifery teaching hospitals were required as participants. Results: Respondent rate of faculty and midwives was 72.6% and 65.5% respectively. Sixty-four percent of participants attended academic meeting or training in previous year of survey. Midwives wanted to learn about "Ultrasound Diagnosis", "Reproductive Medicine", and "Emergency Medication" as continuous education and those are not been taught in midwifery schools. Almost all midwives agree to the idea of continuous education. However, they halfheartedly agree to the renewal of license if further continuous education is mandatory. Conclusion: Midwives have needs for continuous education. Both short and long-term continuous education plans are necessary to keep up and develop midwives' competency. And it also suggests what kind of contents are needed in basic midwifery education.}, pages = {57--65}, title = {助産婦の卒後教育のニーズに関する研究}, year = {2003}, yomi = {カトウ, ナオミ and タマシロ, キヨコ and カカズ, イヅミ and イノウエ, マツヨ and ニシヒラ, トモコ} }