@article{oai:opcnr.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000093, author = {石川, りみ子 and Ishikawa, Rimiko and 小林, 臻 and Kobayashi, Itaru}, issue = {6}, journal = {沖縄県立看護大学紀要, Journal of Okinawa Prefectural College of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {研究目的:当大学の過去2年間の保健室での利用状況をみてみると、頭痛・腹痛・体調不良など内科的な主訴で保健室を訪れる学生は少なくなく、これらの不定愁訴は食習慣のみでなく睡眠を含めた生活習慣との関連も否定できない。将来、保健医療の立場から健康教育に携わるであろう看護大学生が、既習した専門知識を自己の生活行動にどう反映しているかを把握することは、専門知識を持つ看護大学生への健康教育を行う上で重要である。そこで、本研究は健康知識を習得した学生の生活行動を睡眠と食生活の視点から実態を調査し、適切な健康教育を行うための示唆を得ることを目的とする。研究方法:対象者は、本学の4年次の女子学生で特別の場合を除く過去一ヶ月間の睡眠状態と食習慣について、質問紙への自己記入法によるアンケート調査を行った。対照群は先行研究での調査対象者であった県内の看護学校(全日制)2校の3年次女子である。調査内容は、年齢、BMI(Body Mass Index)、睡眠習慣と食習慣に関する項目である。結果及び結論:1)看護大学生の睡眠習慣を看護学生と比較すると、平日は有意に看護大学生は就寝・起床時刻が遅く、「朝目覚めたとき気分が悪い」、「昼間我慢できない程眠い」と回答した学生の比率が高かったことから、就寝の習慣を早めに改善する必要性が示唆された。2)家族と同居している看護大学生は、一人暮らしと比較して睡眠量が有意に少なかったことから、十分な睡眠量の確保の指導的関わりの必要性が示唆された。3)食習慣について、看護大学生は看護学生と比較して有意に各食事とも欠食の傾向を示し、食事のとり方の改善の必要性が示唆された。4)朝食については、一人暮らし群が有意に欠食する学生の比率が高く、夜食をとる傾向があり、朝食の欠食は夜食との関連が示唆された。5)BMI分類による食習慣の傾向については、やや肥満以上群に昼食の欠食の傾向がみられ、食品の摂り方についての工夫の必要性が示唆された。|Purpose: According to the data from health center of this college, there are no small numbers of students who visit to the sick bay for medical complaints such as headache, abdominal pains or any number of physical problems. It is supposed that complaints are related to their sleep and eating habits. In the future, they will work in the medical health area and engage in health education. It is, therefore, important that a student puts her learning knowledge of health to account in her own life style. For this reason the research focused on actual sleep and eating habits aimed at obtaining some suggestions in connection with health. Methods: A questionnaire which focused on the participants' sleep conditions and eating habits for the past one month was given to the fourth year students of this college. As a control group, the third year female students of two nursing schools in the prefecture were equally studied. The contents of the investigation consisted of age, BMI, sleep and eating habits, and life style as well as other relevant items from the questionnaire on sleep and eating. The investigation was carried out in its entirety with the students who consented to participate. Findings and conclusion: 1) Compared to the students of nursing school, the students of nursing college get to bed, and are up, late. Many more students of nursing college feel worse at the time of waking up, and they doze off in the daytime. Thus the necessity of improvement in the students' sleep habits of nursing college was brought out. 2) Compared to the students of nursing college who lived alone, many more students living with family are very conscious of the inadequacy of sleep. Thus the necessity of direction of the students' sleep habits of nursing college was brought out. 3) Compared to the students of nursing school, the students of nursing college take meals much more irregularly. Thus the necessity of improvement in the students' eating habits of nursing college was brought out. 4) Compared to the students of nursing college who lived with family, the students who lived alone take breakfast much more irregularly, and tend to take a bedtime snack. It is supposed that their eating habits are related to taking a bedtime snack. 5) By classification of BMI, the group consisting of overweight students take lunch more irregularly. Thus the problems of their eating habits was brought out.}, pages = {1--9}, title = {看護大学生の睡眠習慣と食習慣に関する研究}, year = {2005}, yomi = {イシカワ, リミコ and コバヤシ, イタル} }