@article{oai:opcnr.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000099, author = {佐久川, 政吉 and Sakugawa, Masayoshi and 大湾, 明美 and Ohwan, Akemi and 大川, 嶺子 and Okawa, Mineko and 牧内, 忍 and Makiuchi, Shinobu and 川崎, 道子 and Kawasaki, Michiko}, issue = {6}, journal = {沖縄県立看護大学紀要, Journal of Okinawa Prefectural College of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {本報告の目的は、沖縄県離島のモデル地域における「移送」に着目し、ニーズ把握からサービス誕生に至る形成プロセスを明らかにし、今後の住民主体の地域ケアシステム構築への示唆を得ることである。対象地域はモデル地域のA島、B島、C島。参加型アクションリサーチとして、介入により対象地域の地区踏査や高齢者関連の実態調査において地域特性を把握し、島内の組織団体代表や行政(町村・県)とワーキング設立のための調整等を行う。設立後は、継続的に支援者の立場でワーキングに参加。移送関連データとして、交通状況(空路、海路、陸路)、サービス誕生前の高齢者の移送手段を地区踏査等で把握。実態調査結果から移送サービス利用希望者、利用希望場所等の把握、移送サービス方法は討議内容等を抽出した。特に移送に関連し住民主体の展開が明確であったA島を中心とし、比較対象としてB島.C島を用い交通状況を整理した。移送関連データについて、対象地域別、時系列ごとに分類し、移送ニーズの把握からサービス誕生に至る形成プロセスとして、段階別にカテゴリー化した。その結果、1)モデル島の高齢者は島内での移動手段に困っていた。2)住民主体による移送サービス誕生までのプロセスは、(1)移送ニーズの把握、(2)ワーキングでの討議、(3)地域全体での情報の共有化、(4)移送サービスの誕生と同様のプロセスを経ていたが、その内容は対象地域により相違があった。3)A島の特徴は当事者の個別のニーズを出発点とし、複数のニーズへ、さらに全体のニーズへと拡大しながらのニーズ把握及び、具体的な移送サービスの討議を重ねていることであった。今後の住民主体の地域ケアシステム構築への示唆として、1)ニーズ把握からサービス誕生に至る形成プロセスにおいて、住民の意識変化や行動の活性化の可能性、2)行政による予算措置がなくても、互助機能により地域特性に応じサービス誕生が可能であること、3)移送サービスを誕生させた成功体験から新たな地域ケアの誕生が期待され、地域ケアシステムヘと発展していくことが期待される。|The purpose of this paper is to make clear the process of organizing transportation services at model regions in off-shore islands in Okinawa Prefecture, thereby contributing to finding effective ways to establish the regional care system aiming at the welfare of the people living in the religions. Attention is focused on the transportations in the regions. Areas investigated are Island A, Island B, Island C, all located at model regions. The research started out by grasping regional feature by pinpointing relevant factors related to the research and by acquiring demographical data of aged residents. Adjustments had been made with leaders of various organizations in the regions as well as people at municipalities and at the Prefectural government before the working team was formed. Our group continued to play a role of supporters throughout the research. The action conditions of transportations in terms of air, sea and land were made known and the information concerning who needed transportations and from where to where was gathered. With there as a basis, possible means of transportations were searched. The research was focused on the transportation system in island A where the system was successfully targeted for aged residents. A comparison was made with island B and C. Data regarding transportations were chronologically categorized by regions. A step -by-step process of identifying transportation needs and providing actual services was also illustrated. Findings are: 1) The aged living in model islands had difficulties finding proper means of transportation in the islands; 2) Though an effort of providing transportation services for the aged was made, firstly by identifying needs for transportations, secondly by deliberating the issue in the working team, thirdly by sharing information with people in the regions, and fourthly by providing services for the aged, there were regional differences in the effort: and, 3) The transportation services in Island A were characterized by starting with individual needs, which were extended to group needs and then to whole needs and sufficient discussions were made at each step. Suggestions for the future are: 1) A further research is suggested to investigate changes in people's consciousness and possibilities of their being more active within the time span of their initial request for transportations and the fulfillment of their needs; 2) Such services are not necessary provided by municipalities and the Prefecture alone but, in case of lack of budget, could also be made possible by communal spirit of helping each other in the regions; and 3) One successful experience of solving a transportation issue may give birth to new types of regional services.}, pages = {58--63}, title = {沖縄県離島のモデル地域における地域ケアシステム構築に関するアクションリサーチ-住民主体の移送サービスの形成プロセスー}, year = {2005}, yomi = {サクガワ, マサヨシ and オオワン, アケミ and オオカワ, ミネコ and マキウチ, シノブ and カワサキ, ミチコ} }